
Criminal Justice Liberal Arts Transfer Majors


Transfer Major Details and Suggested Courses

Program Details

Award Associate of Arts (AA)
Credits 60
Enrollment Full-time, Part-time
Program Start Fall, Spring, Summer
Course Format Face-to-Face, Hybrid, Online
Class Meets Day, evening, or a combination of both to fit your schedule
Admissions Application Select Academic Program:
Liberal Arts – AA (Criminal Justice Transfer Major)
See Program Admission

Course Cost Calculation

Resident tuition and fees × course credits + course fee (if applicable)= Course Cost Calculation

The Course Cost Calculation is based on 2024–2025 tuition and fees and course fees.

The cost calculation does not include:

Planning Your Class Schedule

Students should consult with their Academic/College Success Advisor to select courses, make a transfer plan, and periodically review their progress towards their degree completion.

Students are also encouraged to contact the admissions office at the college to which they plan to transfer during their first year at Hawkeye in order to obtain specific program and transfer requirements.

Not all courses may be required for transfer to your future major.

Courses and course cost calculations are subject to change.

Show Course DescriptionsHide Course Descriptions

Term 1
CRJ-100 Introduction to Criminal Justice O 3 $675.00
ENG-105 Composition I O E 3 $675.00
SDV-108 The College Experience O E 1 $225.00
SOC-110 Introduction to Sociology O 3 $675.00
Liberal Arts AA Elective course 1
Liberal Arts AA Humanities course 3
Total Credits 14

Term 2
CRJ-200 Criminology O 3 $675.00
ENG-106 Composition II O E 3 $675.00
MAT-156 Statistics O E 3 $675.00
Liberal Arts AA Elective course 3
Liberal Arts AA Humanities course 3
Total Credits 15

Term 3
CRJ-201 Juvenile Delinquency O 3 $675.00
POL-111 American National Government O E 3 $675.00
Liberal Arts AA Elective course 3
Liberal Arts AA Science course with lab 4
Liberal Arts AA Social Sciences course 3
Total Credits 16

Term 4
SPC-101 Fundamentals of Oral Communication O E 3 $675.00
SPC-112 Public Speaking 3 $675.00
Liberal Arts AA Elective course 3
Liberal Arts AA Elective course 3
Liberal Arts AA Humanities course 3
Liberal Arts AA Math course 3
Liberal Arts AA Science course 3
Total Credits 15

See the Liberal Arts Associate of Arts (AA) Degree Requirements for the full list of courses and additional degree details.

Your Criminal History Matters

As a future criminal justice professional, students need to use good judgment in all areas of their personal, professional, and scholastic interactions and activities; and must keep their records clean. Criminal justice organizations require background checks for internships, volunteer placements, and employment; which will include adult and juvenile civil and criminal issues, official and informal contacts with police, and character references. Employment will also hinge on the successful completion of a polygraph, credit check, and psychological evaluation.

Be aware that character counts and your behavior can sabotage your ability to graduate from this program and your ability to work in the field. Consider what your actions and criminal history says about you….i.e. an OWI conviction indicates that you demonstrate poor judgment by drinking to excess and deciding to drive, which may kill or injure you or another person. Remember your personal behaviors (what you didn’t get caught for) will be revealed during the polygraph, and what you do privately (when no one is watching or supervising) speaks volumes as to the true content of one’s character.

If you want to work in criminal justice avoid these issues:

  • Acquiring speeding tickets or safety violation citations.
  • Acquiring a suspended driver’s license or citations for driving with a suspended license.
  • Participating in underage drinking, using fake ID’s, or buying alcohol for underage persons.
  • Use or abuse of prescription drugs, street drugs, club drugs (ecstasy), marijuana, or synthetic drugs.
  • Engaging in theft of property, goods, or services.

You will not be employable in criminal justice if you have:

  • Felony convictions.
  • Domestic abuse convictions.
  • Placement on an abuse registry (Sex offender, child/elder abuse).
  • Drug convictions, or history of drug use or abuse (methamphetamine, cocaine, heroin, etc.) Each agency (city, county, state, or federal) sets their own limits on marijuana use from zero tolerance to a limited amount of use, and factors in how recent the use was.
  • Weapons violations.

Ultimately, criminal justice employers will rationalize your behavior by this criteria: If you know or reasonably believe an action is illegal or will cause harm then the best candidate will take responsibility, demonstrate self-control, and not do it.

Lastly, employers will ask our faculty for references. Students need to know that full time faculty and adjunct faculty members are constantly formally and informally assessing students in terms of academic performance, attendance, honesty, professionalism, social skills, maturity, and appearance so that we can make objective assessments when asked. Your interactions count, and we are here to mentor you.

Program Contacts

Email Admissions 319-296-4000 Hawkeye Center 114
Academic/College Success Advisor
Brittany Warren Email Brittany Warren 319-296-4014 ext.1086 Hawkeye Center 208J

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