Political Science Liberal Arts Transfer Majors


Transfer Major Details and Suggested Courses

Program Details

Award Associate of Arts (AA)
Credits 60
Enrollment Full-time, Part-time
Program Start Fall, Spring, Summer
Course Format Face-to-Face, Hybrid, Online
Class Meets Day, evening, or a combination of both to fit your schedule
Admissions Application Select Academic Program:
Liberal Arts – AA (Political Science Transfer Major)
See Program Admission

Course Cost Calculation

Resident tuition and fees × course credits + course fee (if applicable)= Course Cost Calculation

The Course Cost Calculation is based on 2024–2025 tuition and fees and course fees.

The cost calculation does not include:

Planning Your Class Schedule

Students should consult with their Academic/College Success Advisor to select courses, make a transfer plan, and periodically review their progress towards their degree completion.

Students are also encouraged to contact the admissions office at the college to which they plan to transfer during their first year at Hawkeye in order to obtain specific program and transfer requirements.

Not all courses may be required for transfer to your future major.

Courses and course cost calculations are subject to change.

Show Course DescriptionsHide Course Descriptions

Term 1
ENG-105 Composition I O E 3 $675.00
POL-111 American National Government O E 3 $675.00
SDV-108 The College Experience O E 1 $225.00
Liberal Arts AA Elective course 3
Liberal Arts AA Humanities course 3
Liberal Arts AA Social Sciences course 3
Total Credits 16

Term 2
ENG-106 Composition II O E 3 $675.00
MAT-156 Statistics O E 3 $675.00
POL-125 Comparative Government and Politics 3 $675.00
Liberal Arts AA Elective course 3
Liberal Arts AA Math course 3
Liberal Arts AA Science course 3
Total Credits 15

Term 3
POL-121 International Relations E 3 $675.00
SPC-101 Fundamentals of Oral Communication O E 3 $675.00
SPC-112 Public Speaking 3 $675.00
Liberal Arts AA Elective course 3
Liberal Arts AA Elective course 3
Liberal Arts AA Humanities course 3
Total Credits 15

Term 4
Liberal Arts AA Elective course 3
Liberal Arts AA Elective course 1
Liberal Arts AA Humanities course 3
Liberal Arts AA Science course with lab 4
Liberal Arts AA Social Sciences course 3
Total Credits 14

See the Liberal Arts Associate of Arts (AA) Degree Requirements for the full list of courses and additional degree details.

Involvement and Volunteer Opportunities

  • Hawkeye Pride Organization: Student organization focused on the LGBTQ+ community and interests, education, and advocacy. The organization is a safe zone open to all LGBTQ+ and ally students.

  • Hawkeye Reads: A campus-wide program that seeks to support the College's Institutional Outcomes and increase literacy.

  • Multicultural Student Organization: A student-led group created to be a platform for students to focus on diversity issues that shape our world.

  • Phi Theta Kappa: Academic honor society. You must have a GPA of 3.25 or higher. They offer leadership skills, fellowship, and scholarships.

  • Student Ambassadors: A group of students who assist the Admissions office with the recruitment of new students and who represent and promote Hawkeye.

  • Student Leadership Council: Represents and promotes the common interests and general welfare of the student body.

Program Contacts

Email Admissions 319-296-4000 Hawkeye Center 114
Academic/College Success Advisor
Last Names A – L
Kaitlyn Harris Email Kaitlyn Harris 319-296-4014 ext.1066 Bremer Hall 136A
Academic/College Success Advisor
Last Names M – Z
John Peterson Email John Peterson 319-296-4014 ext.1448 Bremer Hall 136B

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