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Services for Students in Need or Crisis
Our comprehensive training solutions feature world-class online curriculum, skills assessments, and real-world components for the best skill-building possibilities.
A complaint or grievance procedure is available if you feel a Hawkeye policy or practice is improper, unfair, results in an unsatisfactory learning environment, or there has been a deviation from, misinterpretation of, or a misapplication of a practice or policy.
When regular communication channels and approaches have failed, students can file a complaint with the dean of students by completing the Student Complaint Form [pdf] and bringing the form to the Student Services office.
Also see Filing Complaints with Accreditor, State Agency, or Other Relevant Official.
Norman Coley Student Services Hawkeye Center 208 319-296-4014
Norman Coley Student Services Hawkeye Center 208 319-296-4014 Email Norman Coley